
I started my research activity on computational fluid dynamics, specifically partial differential equations of turbulence models in hydraulics. Then I switched to computational linguistics, working on language models for automatic speech recognition and on natural language understanding. Finally, I started teaching computer science and data analysis at the Faculty of Economics, carrying on research on computational finance, focusing in particular on data organization and network representations of Italian public companies. I am also involved in projects related to mass customization and cryptocurrencies' technology.
Ho iniziato la mia attività di ricerca in fluidodinamica computazionale, specificatamente sulle equazioni differenziali alle derivate parziali dei modelli di turbolenza in idraulica. Dopodiché sono passato alla linguistica computazionale, lavorando sui modelli del linguaggio per il riconoscimento automatico del parlato e sulla comprensione del linguaggio naturale. Infine, ho iniziato a insegnare informatica e analisi dati alla Facoltà di Economia, intraprendendo ricerca in finanza computazionale, focalizzata in particolare sull'organizzazione dei dati e rappresentazioni del network delle aziende italiane quotate. Sono anche impegnato in progetti legati alla mass customization e alla tecnologia delle criptovalute.
Meine Forschungsaktivität hat ihren Ursprung in der numerischer Fluiddynamik, mit Schwerpunkt auf partielle Differentialgleichungen von Turbulenzmodellen in der Hydraulik. Anschließend setzte ich mich mit Computerlinguistik auseinander und arbeitete an Sprachmodellen zur automatischen Spracherkennung und zum Verstehen natürlicher Sprache. Schließlich begann meine Lehrtätigkeit an der Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, wo ich Informatik und Datenanalyse unterrichte und mich Forschungsprojekten auf dem Gebiet der Computational Finance widme. Dabei konzentrierte ich mich insbesondere auf die Datenerfassung und Darstellung bestehender Netzwerke von börsennotierten italienischen Unternehmen. Ich bin auch an Projekten im Bereich Mass Customization und Kryptowährungen beteiligt.
Professional skills
Italian, English, German, French
Solidity, Python, PERL, Matlab, R, Visual Basic for Applications, shell scripting, SQL and databases, C++, HTML and XML, FORTRAN.
SPSS, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, MySQL, DreamWeaver, Matlab, R, Anaconda, Metamask, movie editing, image editing, LaTeX
Descriptive statistics, probability and distributions, sampling and surveys, indexes, univariate analysis, confidence intervals and significance tests, independence tests, contingency tables, correlations, inferences, multivariate analysis, linear logistics and log-linear regression models, latent variables, history data analysis and longitudinal temporal data events, non parametric tests
Numerical analysis and matrix calculation, finite elements and finite differences numerical methods for ordinary differential equations, analytical methods for partial and convection-diffusion differential equations, functional analysis applied to partial differential equations
Classical mechanics of point and rigid bodies, Lagrange mechanics, continuous mechanics, hydraulics, mathematical models for fluid dynamics, turbulence models
Language technologies
Acoustic models and training, grammars for language models, search algorithms, interpretation and generation of natural language
financial mathematics, microstructure of financial markets, technical analysis, utility theory, decision theory for assets allocation
Professional activities
High school
Liceo Linguistico Rainerum in Bolzano, Italy
Major subjects: English, German and French language and literature.
Laurea in Mathematics at Faculty of Sciences of University of Trento in Trento, Italy
Major subjects: mathematical analysis and computer algorithms.
Dottorato di Ricerca in Mathematics at University of Neaples in Neaples, Italy
Major subjects: turbulence models in hydraulics, numerical analysis, functional analysis applied to fluiddynamics
Assistant professor of mathematical physics at the Faculty of Sciences of University of Trento
Professor of computer science at the Faculty of Economics and Management of Free University of Bolzano Bozen
Professor of statistics at the master degree course in Nursing Management Coordination at University of Rome Tor Vergata
Professor of statistics at the Faculty of Technology and Natural Sciences of Free University of Bolzano Bozen
Researcher at the Interactive Sensorial Systems Division of ITC-irst in the field of automatic speech recognition
- Speech Interface for a Network Scanner, financed by Hewlett Packard
- Negotiating Through Spoken Language in E-Commerce, financed by Fifth European Framework Programme, to develop a human to human translation system
- Virtual Intelligent Codriver, financed by Sixth European Framework Programme
- Automatic Reasoning Systems Division of ITC-irst in the field of web services and semantic web
Computational Finance at the School of Economics and Management of Free University of Bolzano Bozen
- Paolo Coletti, Thomas Aichner, Abdel Monim Shaltoni; Online Shopping Preferences in Mass Customization: A Comparison Between 2008 and 2021; Mass Customization and Customer Centricity; pp. 151-177; Springer; 25th July 2023; ISBN 978-3-031-09781-2; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-09782-9_6.
- Tong Liu, Paolo Coletti, Anton Dignös, Johann Gamper and Maurizio Murgia; Correlation Graph Analytics for Stock Time Series Data; Advances in Database Technology – EDBT 2021, 24th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Nicosia, Cyprus, March 23 – 26, Proceedings, pp. 666-669; DOI: 10.5441/002/edbt.2021.79
- P. Coletti, O. Gunsch and T. Aichner; User’s perspective after the change of ERP system in a medium-sized enterprise, under review; September 2020.
- T. Aichner, P. Coletti, F. Jakob and R. Wilken; Did the Volkswagen Emissions Scandal Harm the “Made in Germany” Image? A Cross‑Cultural, Cross‑Products, Cross‑Time Study; Corporate Reputation Review; published online; 15 September 2020; DOI: 10.1057/s41299-020-00101-5
- T. Aichner, R. Wilken and P. Coletti; Country Image at Risk: Spillover Effects of Product-Harm Crises and the Role of Trust; Journal of Global Marketing; 34 (2); 73–89; 3 July 2020; DOI: 10.1080/08911762.2020.1786614
- T. Aichner, P. Coletti and P. Lombardo; The Future of Mobile Marketing in Italy: A Delphi Study; Il Futuro del Mobile Marketing in Italia: uno Studio col Metodo Delphi; Micro & Macro Marketing; 29 (1); 95–121; April 2020; DOI: 10.1431/96400.
- P. Coletti and M. Murgia; The network of the Italian stock market during the 2008–2011 financial crises; Algorithmic Finance; 5 (3-4); 111–137; 13 April 2017; DOI: 10.3233/AF-160177.
- P. Coletti; Comparing minimum spanning trees of the Italian stock market using returns and volumes; Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications; 463; 246-261; December 2016; DOI: 10.1016/j.physa.2016.07.029
- T. Aichner, P. Coletti, C. Forza, U. Perkman and A. Trentin; Effects of subcultural differences on country and product evaluations: a replication study; Journal of Global Marketing; 29(3), 115-127; July 2016; DOI: 10.1080/08911762.2015.1138012
- P. Coletti and M. Murgia; Design and Construction of a Historical Financial Database of the Italian Stock Market 1973–2011; ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality; 6(4); October 2015; DOI: 10.1145/2822898 .
- T. Aichner, U. Perkman and P. Coletti; Warum sich Kunden an Mass Customization beteiligen; transfer Werbeforschung & Praxis; 3/15; September 2015.
- P. Coletti, Data Analysis; University course handout, Free University of Bolzano Bozen; Bolzano (Italy); August 2015
- P. Coletti, Basic Information Systems course book, University course handout, Free University of Bolzano Bozen, Bolzano (Italy), February 2014
- P. Coletti, Databases course book, University course handout, Free University of Bolzano Bozen, Bolzano (Italy), February 2014
- T. Aichner and P. Coletti, Customers’ Online Shopping Preferences in Mass Customisation, Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice; vol. 15; n.1; September 2013; DOI: 10.1057/dddmp.2013.34
- P. Coletti and J.G. Brida, Tourist’s Intention of Returning to a Visited Destination: Cruise Ship Passengers in Cartagena De Indias, Colombia, Tourism in Marine Environments, vol.8, n. 3, December 2012.
- M.C. Joris and P. Coletti, Gestione di progetti e del rischio clinico, Il pensiero scientifico, October 2012, ISBN 978-88-490-0422-9
- P. Coletti and T. Aichner, Mass Customization, An Exploration of European Characteristics, Springer, April 2011, ISBN 978-3-642-18389-8
- M. Costantino and P. Coletti, Information Extraction in Finance, Witpress, 2008, ISBN 978-1-84564-146-7
- P. Coletti, Algorithms course book, University course handout, Free University of Bolzano Bozen, Bolzano (Italy), March 2008
- M. Detassis e P. Coletti, L’alchimia dei gatti, Graficaelettronica, Napoli (Italy), febbraio 2007, ISBN 978-88-95300-01-6
- P. Coletti, OWL-S for Virtual Travel Agency web service composition, ITC-irst, Trento (Italy)
- A. Brutti et al., Use of Multiple Speech Recognition Units in an In-car Assistance System, DSP for Vehicle and Mobile Systems, ISBN 978-0-387-22979-9
- A. Brutti et al., Progetto VICO: sviluppo di un prototipo per interazione vocale in automobile, Primo convegno Associazione Italiana Scienze della Voce, Padova (Italy)
- A. Brutti et al., On the development of an in-car speech interaction system at Irst, Special Workshop In Maui, Hawaii (USA)
- P. Coletti et al., A speech driven in-car assistance system, Proceedings of the IEEE IV Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, pp. 622-626, Columbus (Ohio, USA)
- P. Coletti, L. Cristoforetti, M. Matassoni, M. Omologo, P. Svaizer, Developing a speech interaction system for the car, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Human Aspects of Advanced Manufacturing: Agility & Hybrid Automation, Rome (Italy)
- S. Burger et al., The NESPOLE! Voice over IP Dialogue Database, Proceedings of EUROSPEECH, 7th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Aalborg (Denmark)
- A. Lavie et al., Architecture and Design Considerations in NESPOLE!: a Speech Translation System for Ecommerce Applications, Proceedings of the first international conference on Human language technology research
- A. Palombini et al., Cervelli in fuga, Avverbi Edizioni, Rome (Italy), ISBN 978-8-88732-827-1
- M. Federico, D. Giordani and P. Coletti, Development and Evaluation of an Italian Broadcast News Corpus, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, pp. 921-924, Athens (Greece)
- P. Coletti and M. Federico, A two-stage speech recognition method for information retrieval applications, Proceedings of EUROSPEECH, 6th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, pp. 459-462, Budapest (Hungary)
- P. Coletti, Analytical and Numerical Analysis of k-e and Large Eddy Simulation Turbulence Models, Ph.D. Thesis, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Trento
- P. Coletti, Existence for any Reynolds number for Large Eddy Simulation Turbulence Model, Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Trento
- P. Coletti, A Global Existence Theorem for Large Eddy Simulation Turbulence Model, Mathematical Methods and Models in Applied Science, vol. 7, n. 5, pp. 579-591
- P. Coletti, Risoluzione numerica di modelli di turbolenza in acque basse, tesi di laurea, Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali, Università di Trento